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英语翻译用什么软件,原标题:New study shows that dogs can detect Covid-19 with 94% accuracy创新特性标题: Furry Covid detectives Dogs detect virus with 94% accuracy


Furry Covid detectives: Dogs detect virus with 94% accuracy

A new study has found that dogs have a remarkable ability to detect Covid-19, with an accuracy rate of 94%. This means that our furry friends could become an important tool in detecting the virus in communities around the world.

The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany, trained eight dogs to detect the scent of Covid-19. The dogs were trained for just one week, using saliva and urine samples from Covid-19 positive patients. After this short period of training, the dogs were able to detect the virus with incredible accuracy.

This is not the first time that dogs have been used to detect illnesses. In fact, dogs have been used to smell out cancer and other diseases for years. But this is the first time that dogs have been trained to detect Covid-19.

The researchers say that the dogs were able to detect the virus even in asymptomatic carriers, who show no symptoms of the virus. This is important, as asymptomatic carriers can unwittingly spread the virus to others.

So how do the dogs do it? Well, it turns out that the virus has a distinct odour that dogs can pick up on. This odour is produced when the virus infects cells and causes them to break down.

英语翻译用什么软件,原标题:New study shows that dogs can detect Covid-19 with 94% accuracy创新特性标题: Furry Covid detectives Dogs detect virus with 94% accuracy

But while dogs are great at detecting the virus, they’re not great at pinpointing exactly where the virus is coming from. This means that they’re not a substitute for testing, but they could be a helpful tool in detecting the virus in large groups of people.

While the idea of using dogs to detect Covid-19 might seem unusual, it’s actually a very effective tool. And it’s not just about detecting the virus. The dogs could also be used to detect people who have recently recovered from the virus, and who could potentially be immune. This could be particularly useful in developing a vaccine.

Of course, there are some challenges to using dogs to detect the virus. For one thing, it’s not as easy as simply training the dogs and sending them out into the world. The dogs need to be trained properly, and the training process can be expensive.

But if we can overcome these challenges, then dogs could become an important tool in our fight against Covid-19. They’re loyal, intelligent and, most importantly, they have an incredible ability to sniff out the virus.

英语翻译用什么软件,原标题:New study shows that dogs can detect Covid-19 with 94% accuracy创新特性标题: Furry Covid detectives Dogs detect virus with 94% accuracy

So next time you see a dog, remember: they could be our furry Covid detectives.